"I always dealt with family relations and conflicts which inherently evolve in the intimate realm. I wanted to make a realist film about my country, nourished by what I presently feel about it: a mix of attraction and rejection. I grew up in Caracas and at some point, the city became dangerous, gloomy, cut away from the world. People would kill one another and that’s when we locked ourselves in. Violence contaminated everything and us, citizens, we have also become violent. It kept coming nearer and nearer with each of our loved ones it took away. It became banal, and as a result, we got used to it.  Adults and children began having a hard time with each other. Economics and politics were pulling through a time of ever direr crisis so that the existence itself narrowed to mere daily survival, especially for the working class. In this context, the children were abandoned to themselves, with the parents absorbed and absent, and they would find in the street what they missed at home. They gave in to violence because nobody was setting the limits and because of their young age, a large number became very cruel individuals. They would commit murder, sometimes for money, but also for pleasure. What if there was still a chance to save one of them? My film is the story of two such youngsters who turn their backs on violence and start rediscovering each other in a new mindset. Would this mean a fresh start?"