Wild Flowers

by Sam Kuhn

Next Step 2017

Feature Film

Wild Flowers tells the story of Ana, a modern day vagrant, captivated by aeronautics and capable of all types of industrial work. One squally summer, a young woman finds her footing as an auto-mechanic on a remote island, Hyperion. There, she befriends a wise female painter, a lonely shop mechanic and a wealthy playboy. She also meets Max, a young, unpredictable chameleon like outsider living on an austere boat. Ana and Max, both motivated by technological creation and passionate about flying engines, embark on a unique adventure, which will bind their friendship: the construction of an experimental aeroplane capable of harnessing the power of wind, freeing the world from its dependency on oil.

Sam aims to make Wild Flowers a utopian sci-fi feature creating an eco-friendly mythology and inviting us, like his wild flowers, to dream of a future world that is in total harmony with nature.