A word from our partners

A 35-year commitment to filmmaking

by Dominique Hoff, General Delegate - Gan Fondation

They support us

The mission of the GAN Foundation is to help turn screenplays into films, to assist filmmakers throughout their process, to see them grow and to make interesting, inspiring work. For 35 years, we have been rewarding films -  live action and animation alike - and to this day, we have supported over 200 directors. 

The GAN Foundation Award, which, every year, rewards one of the seven films competing at La Semaine de la Critique, is a testament to the foundation’s will to promote filmmakers so that they may find their audience. 

Since 2014, the Foundation is proud to have supported Myroslav Slaboshpytskiy (THE TRIBE), Clément Cogitore (THE WAKHAN FRONT), Asaph Polonsky (ONE WEEK AND A DAY), Fellipe Barbosa (GABRIEL AND THE MONTAGNE), Rohena Gera (SIR), Lorcan Finnegan (VIVARIUM), Aleem Khan (AFTER LOVE), Julie Lecoustre and Emmanuel Marre (ZERO FUCKS GIVEN), for their radical, subversive, bold, witty, sensitive and delicate work, and contributed to this "breath of fresh air" La Semaine holds so dear. 

Along with the new team led by Ava Cahen, we are thrilled to once again be part of that creative feat!

Dominique Hoff
General Delegate | Gan fondation for the cinema

They support us